Company Information

From our founding in 1951 to present we have striven to think up healthy and delicious food for our customers.

Company Profile


March 26, 1951


100 million yen

Sales figures

Francois Co., Ltd. 215 billion yen
Entire Francois Group 368 billion yen
* Both financial results are for the fiscal year ending March 31, 2019.


Saga Factory, Sasebo Factory, Nagasaki Factory

Business Offices

Fukuoka Headquarters, Kitakyushu, Nagasaki, Oita, Kumamoto, Miyazaki, Kagoshima

Number of Employees

Francois Co., Ltd. 1,128 people (including part-timers)
Entire Francois Group 2,470 people (including part-timers)
* As of March 31, 2019.


1. Making and sales of bread, Japanese-style and Western-style confectionery, sandwiches, etc.
2. Freshly baked bread store operation
3. Flowering plants sales business

Businesses in China

We'd like to see more smiles all over the world.
Francois has spread the deliciousness overseas.

Francois' wish is for Chinese people to be able to enjoy their fresh great-tasting high quality bread so they have expanded their business to China. Francois' original manufacturing and freezing techniques have supported the challenge in China greatly. More than 10 years have passed now, and they have gained high praise and recognition among the people in China. Francois is now aiming to develop more businesses overseas by taking advantage of their "know-how" cultivated in Kyushu.

Francois (Qingdao) Food Co., Ltd.

Qingdao, Shandong, China


Room 802, Unit 1, Building 3, 1 Qingjiang Road,Shibei District, Qingdao, Shandong, China


February 2005


11.95 million yuan

Business Details

Direct management shop business for bread and confectionery.
Wholesale business for fresh bread.
Sales of frozen dough business.

JEANAVICE (Kaifeng) Food Co., Ltd.

First Store in Kaifeng, Henan, China


136 Jinming Dong Street, Kaifeng, Henan, China


April 2012


Kaifeng Taiyo Kinmei Food Co., Ltd.
Cap. 2.5 million yuan (51%)
Francois Co., Ltd. Cap. 2.4 million yuan (49%)

Business Details

Direct management shop business for bread and confectionery.

JEANAVICE (Tianjin) Food Co., Ltd.

Tianjin, China


6 Shuangchen Dong Road, Economic Development Zone, Beichen District, Tianjin, China


December 2012


63.55 million yuan - Francois Co., Ltd. (50%)
Taiyo Kagaku Co., Ltd. (50%)

Business Details

Manufacturing fresh bread business.

Introducing our Factories and Businesses

We sell bread and sweets at supermarkets and stores. Our wholesale market is expanding every year. There were about 3,000 stores selling our bread and sweets in Kyushu and Yamaguchi Prefecture as of March, 2014.

We set up our shops in supermarkets so that we can manufacture and sell bread within the store. By utilizing our freezing technique, it makes it possible to offer consumers fresh bread at reasonable prices.

In 2003, we opened a flower shop, "Hanatachibana Garden" in Shingu, Fukuoka. We sell flowers at reasonable prices there as well as from within supermarkets.


2021 Francois Co., Ltd.